Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Uncle! Uncle! Uncle!

Okay I have given in folks! MAN! I treid so hard first it was MySpace, then Facebook and now blogging! This is getting out of control... But alas I have decided to enter the bloggin community now that I have more time and now that I don't want to bore my friends anymore with mass e-mails they may not want to read... (if you are on the e-mail list never fear there will still be e-mails going out) but I thought this would give me a forum to post my random thoughts and adventures that people may not want flooding their in-boxes. I am not going to make this a politcal blog so if you are looking for that so sorry... and I am sure there will be little to no words of wisdom on this page... but there may just be some fun stories of my adventures and such to keep all my friends who are scattered to the wind up to date on my life and all my crazy antics (that you had hoped I would have left behind in college or high school even) but of course I have not! Hopefully you will enjoy this and get a smile in your day!

1 comment:

bidibis said...
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