Thursday, March 8, 2007

Rules of the Subway!

Since I have used the subway system these last 5 years as my main form of transportation to and from work everyday I have come to learn a few things about proper etiquette on the metro. Not to mention seen some crazy things on the metro… this list could truly go on and yes there is a story with all of them, but here are just a few of my pet peeves and random encounters on the train in the morning and afternoon.

1. Never sit next to someone you do not know unless there is no other option to sit by yourself.

2. In follow up to #1 when seats clear and you are sitting next to someone you do not know move to allow them a bit of personal space.

3. Especially follow number one and two is you a large man (by large I mean broad shoulders the size of my desk!) so that the smaller girl next to you can breathe and move her arms.

4. Try not to fall asleep on the shoulder of the older man sitting next to you on your 45 min ride home.

5. Please shower before entering the metro.

6. PLEASE follow #1 and #2 if you have not followed #5.

7. Singing to your ipod is not welcomed no matter how great of a singer you think you may be… Paula, Randy and Simon are not on the metro to discover you. As well as dance moves or trying to teach dance moves to your singing is also not welcomed especially in the morning hours.

8. Please also read quietly to yourself. Not everyone is interested in Britney Spears latest escapades.

9. Please leave all public displays of affection to private times with your significant other.
10. Contrary to popular belief the aisle between the seats on the train is not best used to obtain your morning run you missed by over sleeping. Especially if you are working up that sweat in your suit for the day.


betsy said...


chandra said...


very practical tips!

come, lets meet up :

warm wishes
