Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Line by Lines and Babies?

Friday night I was able to have a fun night out with some old co-workers. It was my friend Allie’s 30th Birthday and it quickly became a work reunion! I was so pumped as I saw so many shining faces coming through the door. We grabbed a table in the back and started in on a long night of catching up and laughing at so many old stories! Some how the conversation turned to our home towns. One fellow lost Texan was there and we began to talk about how weird it was to us that all of our friends were mothers. Some twice over and even a handful 3 times over. Not that we are not happy for our friends because believe you me I love my friends kiddos! They are the cutest! But to us in this stage of our life it just seemed weird.

Christal quickly realized that once we moved back to the homeland it would probably not be too long till we started families of our own. We both paused at the thought of being the oldest ladies in Mothers Day Out. And what our play groups would look like. Then we decided the only way to fix this problem was we would all have to live close by to each other again and have babies at the same time so we would have each other. This then became a somewhat scary thought for our children realizing we would probably set up time with line by lines. (These are to the minute detailed schedules) That we would provide briefing papers for all the mothers in our group on our chosen play destination such as the rate of accidents, how far it would be to the nearest hospital, and any info on big projects and play days the location had done in the past and their success rate. Maybe a few bios and resumes of the Gymboree Instructers. You know the norm info you get before going some where.

This was beginning to look much like my good friend Bonny Kate’s wedding. Now you know I have been in something like 17 weddings and all have their own unique flare. But the best thing about BK’s wedding was the schedule and material she sent to all of us before hand. I had my line by line in hand and knew to the minute where I needed to be thus allowing me to schedule time to see others. I had all my briefing materials as to where I would stay, the distance from the Marshal home to the church and such. It made my wedding experience go much smoother and BK’s as well. So I feel that her wedding in Texas is a small glimpse of what ours may look like and then what our wonderful playgroups will look like.

I laugh now, but I think my kiddos may either hate it or love it (which can be scary on their own.) But I will say there is a lot of good in a detailed line by line and a lot more in a detailed briefing paper. It stops all those pesky surprises and you know what you are walking into. So all that to say I am looking forward to continuing to do life with these ladies, I think it is rare to find this many fun women in the environment we live in and I am glad I have each one of them with me. They are driven, organized, prepared, professional and then on the off time very crazy and a good time. I have to run now to begin the briefing papers on our potential future husbands so we can begin the interview process asap our time here is running up!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

You are hilarious!