Monday, September 17, 2007

It's a Great Day to be Alive!

Well its 2:45 pm and I just got a large latte from the coffee shop. Why you may ask, because I am a tired as I think I may have ever been in my life. Well I take that back there are a couple of times where I think I may have been a bit more tired, but right now I am giving them a run for their money. So literally for the past three weeks I have gone non-stop without what feels like a moment to myself. I have had something every night of every week for the last three weeks. It’s all been things I love, hanging with friends, chatting with college students, work functions. But as hard as this may be for some of y’all to believe I NEED Michelle time. Time with just me, and I have been truckin through with none of that for a very long time right now, and have now added no sleep on top of no Michelle time.

This weekend I was certain would be different. I tried to ensure that it would, and alas it did not work out as I had hoped. While again I truly enjoyed all I got to do, I was still tired and still wanting alone time when Sunday rolled around. So I was a tad sad when I realized that my time I thought would be a break was gone. I pushed through Sunday as I would any other day, happy to be where I was but desperately wanting to be somewhere else (i.e. my bed!) As I headed into church I was rushed, I had lost track of time and asked Jodi to stop for coffee on the way so I would not dose off during the prayers (you’re laughing because you know you do it!) And those who know me know how anal I am about schedules and time and the like. So I was flustered upset to be there late, upset at myself because I had caused us to be late! But as I rushed in barely taking time to acknowledge friends, I turned the corner to where we usually sit with the college students and my eyes fell on a row and a half of students piled in and worshiping the Lord! I almost wanted to go into tears then, but gave a line full of hi-fives to show my joy and entered into one of the best times of worship I have ever experienced. God just stopped me and reminded me that all of this is His. Everything, even my time and my sleep, all His. He chooses when to allow me these luxuries and He chooses when to pour me out to where I think there is nothing left to give. I was rejuvenated in a whole new way during worship and it was awesome. As the sermon began (it was good and I did take notes) I began to look around me at the folks there. The students I am so honored that God lets me serve and the friends that help to sustain me and put up with me when I think there is nothing left. They usually get the brunt of me because I try never to be short or tired around the students so they are the ones who endure my frustrated tired side, and still love me. It is for that I am thankful.

Then my best friend for the past six years and roommate for the past 3 and I and our other roommate Nicole went to grab dinner and coffee to celebrate Sara’s birthday. It was a refreshing and joyful time of fellowship. We headed home to meet our other roommate Selena and had some good laughs trying to take a roommate picture. I had one of the best quiet times I have had in a long time last night and it was so refreshing! I awoke this morning still tired but yet more alive and awake than I have been in a long while! My morning and afternoon has been filled with many blessings and promises fulfilled by the Lord. I may be exhausted and worn out but to be honest that just physical junk. I feel like I just finished one of the best work outs ever! I am ready to keep trucking through till I actually get that day of rest… when will it be not sure… every night has something already booked this week into next, but I know it will come when it is needed and I will be pumped! I love the people God has sent to support me in my life. And I could have never walked the road I have walked without them. Spiritually, physically and in my career. I am so thankful of the blessings of my friends! Here are a few of those DC faces!

The Gathering Leader and Student Leader retreat last weekend!

Jodi and I this weekend
And then there are my roommates... uh I have no words for these girls. Lets be honest if they live with me you know they have to be crazy! We may or may not have turned our quest for a roommate pic into a roommate photo shoot last night! I LOVE these girls! And could not do my life without their support and love!

Sara and Nicole ready for their photo shoot!

Um yeah we can not be serious...

Ah we are sweet... Me, Nicole, Selena and Sara seated

Happy Birthday Sara!

Do you really think anyone should have allowed us to have coffee this late at night...

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I can so relate to this on a smaller scale. I feel like I rush into church every week in a frenzy. It is a work of God if I can manage to focus on Him at all or turn my thoughts to someone else's needs. There was a 2-week span recently where I promised Curt I would say no to everything and it was SO HARD, but it definitely recharged me. I love the last pic of y'all with the coffee cups! So, I'm getting jazzed about a Phi Lamb reunion. Do you have an inside scoop?